Demo the future of digital banking experiences at Money 20/20 Europe

Are you ready for Money 20/20 Europe? At Amdocs, we’re excited for what’s sure to be a 2023 highlight event.

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Eyal Gilad, SVP for Financial Services

Amdocs Financial Services

31 May 2023

Demo the future of digital banking experiences at Money 20/20 Europe

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This year, organizers expect more than 7,500 financial industry players to converge in Amsterdam from June 6-8. The agenda is packed with must-see speakers and sessions.

Want to meet our team? Stop by booth F90 and be ready to relax – we’re including a cozy sitting room (or living room, if you’re from across the pond) in our booth to celebrate our vision for family banking. It’s called family-first banking. While you sit back, you can demo family-first banking along with several other visions of the future of banking. Our team created these demos to show you the potential of digital banking experiences that truly match customer priorities.

Keeping ahead of a changing game

Traditional banks like yours need to deliver the best possible digital customer experiences. You know that if you don’t, the competition will. And that competition includes more than just the bank down the street. You’re competing with digital-only banks, FinTechs, and, increasingly, tech giants like Apple.

Too often, this race to get ahead can focus on copycat features or low-fee promotions. We have a different vision: Look to customer needs and priorities for inspiration. That’s what we did. As a starting point, our team of digital banking specialists used research into what customers really want from personalization. Then they envisioned how banks can use their wealth of customer data to put customers first – in ways that will win and keep customers.

Banking on elevated customer experiences

Explore all three of our demos to see what happens when you put customer priorities first:

Family-first banking: Most people make family a priority. Banking experiences can, too. Our family-first demo follows a family as they connect and share financial information. Family-first banking helps families do everything from managing mundane tasks to making it easier for extended family to give financial gifts.

Business-first banking: Small-to-medium businesses (SMBs) want to grow without uneven revenue getting in the way. Banks could help – but many banks find that it’s too difficult to manage the small loans that SMBs need at scale. Or is it? With the ability to analyse and predict cash flow, banks can proactively and efficiently support businesses. Add to that the kind of personalization that family-first banking provides, and you have business-first banking – banking that combines loans with offers tailored to specific business needs.

Embedded finance in the metaverse: You won’t want to miss this demo. It’s an immersive experience. Homebuying in the metaverse may sound futuristic, but we think you can expect to find many embedded financing options in more (unexpected) places soon. That may take the form of mortgages in the metaverse, expanded “buy now, pay later” options in smart devices, or something even more unexpected. Some banks – perhaps yours – will take the lead. Others will struggle to keep up.

Let’s talk about putting customers first

Your Money 20/20 won’t be complete without a visit to Booth F90 to test drive the future of banking. Plan to visit. While you’re here, talk to our team about your vision for customer-first digital banking.


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