The rise of the experience provider: Insights from Amalia Avramov

The rise of the experience provider: Insights from Amalia Avramov

What is an experience provider, and why is it the next logical step for operators? Amalia Avramov, Group President, Amdocs Global SmartOps & Optima, explains.

27 Jan 2020

The rise of the experience provider: Insights from Amalia Avramov

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Imagine living in a world filled with endless experiences and possibilities. What would that look like?

Soon, there will be an exponential growth in requests for real-time digital experiences that will create huge operational challenges for service providers. These requests will not just be made from people-to-machine, but machine-to-machine. To meet this demand, operators will need to evolve from digital service providers (DSPs) to experience service providers (ESPs).

ESPs won’t simply provide a digital business solution or service, but 360-degree execution of a specific experience. How will this be done? By ESPs pulling together the micro-experiences and technologies necessary to create a seamless, smart outcome in real time, while coupling the right vendors, insights, and connectivity to bring the experience to life.

This shift to becoming an ESP won’t be an easy one. To enable these new experiences and support complex business operations, service providers worldwide will have to:

  • Embark on a transformation journey centered on the cloud
  • Mask hybrid environment complexities using AI, automation, and SRE methodologies
  • Reskill, attract, and retain talent around new technologies and practices

Service providers have to act now before technology outpaces the business or they risk falling behind and missing critical opportunities. Both for monetization and organizational growth.

We’ll be discussing this topic and more at MWC 2020 Barcelona. We hope to see you there.


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