Cloud strategy unboxed: Setting the strategy to get cloud right

Cloud strategy unboxed: Setting the strategy to get cloud right

Unveiling the secrets and foundations of successful enterprise cloud strategy.

21 Apr 2023

Cloud strategy unboxed: Setting the strategy to get cloud right

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Did you know that, according to the 2023 State of Cloud report, a staggering 28% of cloud spend is wasted by enterprises?

That's millions of dollars down the drain each year due to poor cloud strategy. But wasteful spending is just one aspect of a cloud strategy gone wrong.

Introducing "Cloud Strategy Unboxed" blog series, where we delve into the essential initiatives that drive successful adoption and operation of the cloud by large enterprises. Throughout this series, we will guide you on constructing and implementing a modern cloud strategy that propels you ahead of the competition.

Topics covered include assessment and planning, organizational structure, cloud education, cloud platform setup, regulatory compliance, application migration and modernization, FinOps, Cloud Center of Excellence, and more. Consider this series your comprehensive resource for optimizing your approach to cloud, saving millions, closing security gaps, and mitigating the risks that can derail your cloud initiative.

Stay tuned as we delve into the key components of enterprise cloud strategy, empowering you to achieve cloud success. The following topics are discussed and are made available as a part of this series:

  • Discovery & risk assessment: Start your cloud journey here   Read blog >
  • Get it in writing: The criticality of documenting your cloud blueprint and operating model   Read blog >
  • Cloud center of excellence: Just do it, thank us later!    Read blog>
  • From cloud novice to cloud champion: Why training and advocacy holds the key to successful adoption   Read blog >
  • Power to the developers! Empower your team and shift left for scalable cloud success   Read blog >
  • Platform approach 101: Getting cloud right, the first time   Read blog >
  • From overspending to savings: How FinOps can transform your cloud economics   Read blog >
  • How can you ensure smooth cloud migrations and avoid common pitfalls?   Read blog >
  • Is your business future-proofed with multi-cloud readiness?   Read blog >

Don't miss out on unlocking the full power of the cloud. Contact us today for a personalized consultation or to learn more.


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