Enabling a world-class experience for Cellcom consumers through digital transformation

Digital modernization provides agents with 360-degree view of the customer, enabling innovative, flexible offers and a consistent experience across all assisted channels, while preparing agents for development autonomy.

22 Mar 2022

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Enabling a world-class experience for Cellcom consumers through digital transformation

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Learn how Amdocs enabled Cellcom to achieve increases in frontline productivity, shortened average handling time, improved first-call resolution and more, as part of a digital modernization project that also upskilled teams towards achieving development autonomy and transforming into an agile organization.

Cellcom, a leading Israeli quad-play operator sought to increase customer satisfaction and acquisition by delivering a simplified user experience. To achieve this, they looked to empower agents with a 360-degree customer view that would enable them to suggested innovative and flexible offers, as well as provide a consistent experience across all assisted channels and lines of business.

Partnering with Amdocs, the companies embarked on a digital modernization project implemented on top of their legacy BSS stack.

Learn more about this project and how it led to a series of tangible business benefits, including:

  • 10-20% increase in overall frontline productivity
  • Shortened Average Handling time (AHT)
  • Improved First Call resolution (FCR)
  • Improved customer satisfaction
  • Higher customer acquisition

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Unlock the full potential of 5G and shape the network to create new capabilities, unique business models and game-changing opportunities.


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Simplify the complex, deliver the brilliant.


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Reinvent the customer experience. Every day.


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