

How automated data reconciliation helps service providers outperform strategic KPIs

How automated data reconciliation helps service providers outperform strategic KPIs

To ensure a great customer experience, data needs to be sync in the vast network of systems and applications.

Joshua Koenig

18 Feb 2021

How automated data reconciliation helps service providers outperform strategic KPIs

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The data within a service providers vast network of systems and applications represents the lifeblood the customer experience they provide.

But without integrity across these data sources, such an experience will inevitably fall far short of customer’s expectations. Even so, many communications service providers still entrust their customer experience to data that lacks end-to-end integrity.

A short tale of data integrity

Consider the following: a subscriber places a new order for a quad-play bundle. But the customer address and ID in the CRM don’t match the data in the ordering system. So by the time it gets to the activation system, this discrepancy causes the order completion to be placed on hold, prompting the subscriber, now frustrated, to call the contact center.

As a result, the cost of care rises (due to the additional cost of handling a call that could have been avoided), while subscriber frustration leads to a lowered customer satisfaction score (CSAT) and negative publicity, after they post disparaging comments on social networks.

As we can see, data discrepancy leads to a breakdown of business processes (and often customers and revenues are lost).

The data integrity challenge

The above example demonstrates how without data integrity, it’s impossible to effectively manage the business. Yet for service providers, picking up on and reconciling conflicts from multiple, disparate and siloed data sources can be a cumbersome task that is time consuming and often prone to error.

The effort is all the more challenging when you consider that data must be reconciled at so many different stages along the customer journey – from order to activation and everything in between and even after. Just the billing process, for example, demands reconciliation of multiple data sets from across multiple systems and mandates the accurate identification and correction of any error before a bill is sent out to the customer.

How Amdocs can help

Amdocs Business Process Services offers automated data reconciliation, enabling service providers to overcome the data integrity challenge – bridging disparate silos such as ordering, workforce management, catalogs, billing, network and other data sources that impact the customer journey.

We aggregate and synchronize data from Amdocs and other systems across the CSP organization. We stream the data into Amdocs iPaaS, our cloud-based industry-focused integration platform, augment the data and create a common data model. Then, we leverage our business rule management system to decide on the next best action within the process. iPaaS then pushes this action to the relevant external systems, triggering rule-based actions and providing insights to the various stakeholders in the organization.

We reconcile a broad variety of data including dates, promotions, offers, addresses, customer IDs and any other data that is not synchronized across the service provider’s many different systems, assuring the completion and efficacy of multiple business processes. As a result, all stakeholders from the retail store, sales organization and supply chain management to the call center and finance organization, can be confident that services and products have been optimally delivered.

Additional benefits include a reduction in calls to the contact center, as well as fewer customer cancelations, manual exceptions, truck rolls, cease orders, CPE returns & restocking, disconnects and minimized delays in order completions. Our reconciliation service also delivers a powerful ROI. For example, one tier-1 operator in North America achieved a cost reduction of $4 million in just six months.

To learn more about how Amdocs Business Services can help you ensure data integrity with automated data reconciliation, reach out to us.


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