Discover our ESG library portal

Here you will find comprehensive information and documentation detailing our company's commitment to sustainable practices, social responsibility, and transparent governance.

From our environmental footprints to our social outreach initiatives, and from our governance structures to our ethical policies, every aspect of our ESG performance is documented.

We believe in the power of accountability and are proud to offer a transparent view into how we are shaping a better, more responsible future for all stakeholders. Dive in to discover how we're turning commitment into action.

CSR & ESG Reports

CSR & ESG Report 2023 – June 2024
  • PDF
CSR and ESG Report - Jun 2022 - 2023
  • PDF
CSR and ESG Report - Jun 2021 - 2022
  • PDF
CSR and ESG Report - 2020 - 21
  • PDF
Annex to the 2018-2019 CSR Report
  • PDF
CSR Report 2017
  • PDF
CSR Report 2018-2019 with Annex (Updated July 2020)
  • PDF
CSR Report 2015
  • PDF

Corporate governance

Israel Gender Pay Equity Report 2023
  • PDF
Israel Gender Pay Equity Report 2022
  • PDF
Commitment to diversity, inclusion and non-discrimination
  • PDF
Corporate Governance Guidelines
  • PDF
Code of Ethics and Business Conduct
  • PDF
Statement of Significant Corporate Governance Differences
  • PDF
Global Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
  • PDF
Insider Trading Policy
  • PDF
Amdocs Human Rights and Labor Practices Statement
  • PDF
Amdocs Global Tax Strategy
  • PDF
Supplier Code of Conduct
  • PDF
ISO27001:2013 Certificate
  • PDF

Environmental governance

CDP Supply chain program score
  • PDF
Science Based Targets approval letter
  • PDF
Conflict minerals policy
  • PDF
Energy management white paper
  • PDF
FY23 GHG emissions verification statement
  • PDF
CDP Climate Change Questionnaire 2023
  • PDF
FY23 GHG emissions verification report
  • PDF
EHS Signed Policy 2021
  • PDF
ISO 45001 2018 Certificate
  • PNG
ISO 14001 2015 Certificate
  • PDF
EHS Guidelines for Amdocs Employees
  • PDF
FY23 GHG emissions verification certificate
  • PDF

Reach out to learn more

Find out more about Amdocs diversity and inclusion

Reach out to learn more

Find out more about Amdocs diversity and inclusion


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